What is DFC 9500 FOB and how is it helpful in serving draught beer?
The beer is supplied refrigerated and served in clear glass. The colour of the drink and its bubble head must be visible to the customer. The drink seems inviting in a long, narrow glass with a large cup. To serve draught beer, you can use a dfc 9500 fob . Firstly, FOB means "Foam on Beer." FOBs are mainly produced for extended draught beer systems to avoid the beer line from filling up with air when a barrel is triggered. When using a fob detector, you can say goodbye to the jars of wasted foam after changing a barrel. The FOB cuts the flow of beer at the tap which allows changing barrels with little or no waste. You will surely have questions regarding this device. Why use this machine? What would this machine do? What help could you get from this machine? And so on. Normally the beer is served directly from the barrel, but there is an issue in serving beer straight from the barrel. The problem is foam. The carbon dioxide in the drink turns the drink into air bubbles. Th...