How Car You Reduce Your Beer Waste To Zero With Beer Tap Equipment?

Whenever we think of partying and having fun, beer plays a major role regardless of any occasion. Who does not love drinking beer? We all like chilling out with friends and enjoying a beer at any particular drinking place. A regular supply of drink is essential for the satisfaction of the customers. So, if you run a beer bar, it becomes your responsibility to fulfill the customer requirements instantly. Beer Fob is a company that provides beer tap equipment (DFC 9500) to bar owners at reasonable rates.

                             What is Beer Tap Equipment?

Beer tap equipment is also known as FOB meaning foam on beer. It is equipment which is connected with beer barrels. It is a wall mount where two kegs are connected. If your first keg is empty, then it automatically switches to the second keg. In this way, beer wastage can be reduced, and your beer supply lines will remain full of beer. This beer tap equipment helps to keep the beer flowing continuously in taps.

              How can you get more beer from your kegs?

When you have a FOB installed on your long draw system, it is systematic, but it also saves time and money on beer costs. When you have a FOB detector, it almost completely removes any beer loss through the foam. Not having a FOB installed, 64 ounces of beer can be wasted in each keg change as you end one keg and begin a new one. It means that every single time you change a keg.

           How does the beer tap equipment work?

When your beer keg is empty, there is usually some beer froth and foam left over beer. If you have a FOB installed and your keg is full or when the beer is pouring out, a float inside the FOB rests at the top. When a keg goes empty, the float quickly drops to the bottom like suction. It leads to a seal immediately being placed on the FOB outlet port, removing loss of beer by cutting off the flow into the beer line when the keg empties.

            What are the benefits of this Beer Fob System? 

  • This system helps in pouring beer without any interruption.
  • Smooth Installation into any Cooler Room Configuration.
  • Very easy to clean as the product can be taken apart completely and put back together in a few minutes. 
  • It helps to gain more profit. 
  • Reduces the amount of CO2 or Beer Gas used because it no longer fills the supply line and breaks out of the tap.
  • It requires less time to change kegs because the supply lines do not need to be cleared of gas and foam to get clear beer. 

For more details, you can visit our website or call us at toll-free (1-888-225-2256).


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